Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jeans? Day Bags?

Are jeans ok to wear into museums and churches? What about at night for dinner and nightlife? Also, what style of day bag should we take? Thank you.


Jeans are ok for museums and churches but

you will probably want to dress up a bit

for the evening and dinner.

A courier type bag carried across your

chest is not only stylish but safe.


Thanks Randy. Do men wear these bags too?


My wife and I both have big leather-ish bags we%26#39;ll be %26quot;wearing%26quot; ;) Need something to hold all the stuff!! lol



Yes, men do wear these bags.

Mine is a Tumi bag with a wide strap for over

the opposite shoulder with a pad on the strap.

I also had my tailor sew a leather loop on the

back to put my belt through for extra

support/comfort as well as security.



Jeans are fine for sightseeing during the day. I wore a combination of them and black pants, with various long-sleeved tops. Being dressier depends on where you plan to eat at night. We never got beyond the %26quot;eat early (by French standards) and get back to the hotel to collapse%26quot; stage. Usually just stopped in a cafe, many of which serve regular meals, wearing whatever we%26#39;d been touring in that day. I brought along nicer clothes and, had we eaten in more upscale places, wouldn%26#39;t have worn jeans.

Daybags.....we both used wear-across-the-shoulder types. Mine was a black daybag that I found in the women%26#39;s purse section at Wal-mart (about $8.00). My hubby carried the Civita Shoulder Bag, ordered from Rick Steves%26#39; website. It%26#39;s black and appropriately masculine enough-looking, or else he NEVER would%26#39;ve used it! Fully loaded, it kind of bothered him after a while. Must be hard on men, who aren%26#39;t used to hauling around bags all the time like we are. But I was determined that THIS time I wasn%26#39;t going to carry all his stuff! LOL

Just make sure that whatever you get has plenty of zippers and %26quot;hidey-holes%26quot;, then KEEP everything zipped at all times! Hubby got careless a couple of times, so watch yours. It wouldn%26#39;t hurt to keep one hand on your bags when riding the metro and in other crowded areas.


jeans are ok everywhere, even to go out, but not in very chic restaurants. but in cafes etc no pb. for bags, when i am a tourist and i really dont want all my stuffs to get robbed, i prefer something you put on the side of the opposite shoulder you know, so if someone tries to rob it well he will have to rob me also lol!! but for dinner even as a tourist i have some nice hand bags, im just more careful. and last time i was in ny i had a thing to put around my waist i think, undrer my jacket for my money, id etc, plus a bag for things i cared less about.


I depends on how old you are.

If you are over college age, Jeans - unless extremely fashionable with embroidery and beads etc. and of course boots with heels - can be looked down at in fancy places.


I was sorry I( only brought one pair of jeans to Europe. I was usually overdressed. Everyone wore jeans everywhere. They are very fashionable especially paired with a fabulous pair of boots or blazer and pashmina scarf. I wore them almost everywhere expect for Jules Verne etc. and even there, I saw them during the day.


Both my partner and I always bring a %26quot;man purse%26quot; with us. It took a while for me to convince him that their not girly. Once I started refusing to let him put all his cr*p in my bag, he decided he needed one too! We used to go with backpacks, but that looks really touristy and sort of sets you up to be a target for pickpockets or whatever.

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