Thursday, April 12, 2012

Paris Museum and Monument Pass

Firstly let me thank all of you who gave me advice on where to stay for our first upcoming trip to Paris:)

Because we are only going to be in Paris for a couple of days I am interested to hear your thoughts on purchasing the Museum and Monument Pass or if you believe we should just pay admission as we go - we will be there for two nights at the end of November.

Your advice would be appreciated.


I don%26#39;t think that we%26#39;ve ever done much more than %26#39;..break even..%26#39; or come out more than a little %26#39;..ahead..%26#39; when I%26#39;ve taken the time to go back and compare the cost of the CARTE MUSÉE et MONUMENTS pass to the actual price of individual admission prices. But...that%26#39;s not to say that these passes didn%26#39;t represent genuine %26#39;..value..%26#39;. This %26#39;value%26#39; came in the form of %26#39;..intangibles..%26#39;---less PRECIOUS TIME spent waiting on lines. And, the %26#39;..opportunity..%26#39; that having the pass the form of being able to serendipitously %26#39;..drop in..%26#39; on places that we might otherwise have passed by...had we had to figure the cost of admission tickets and the time spent waiting to purchase those tickets. With the pass you can simply %26#39;drop-in%26#39; take a quick look around, stay if what%26#39;s there interests you or simply move on to somewhere or something else. And. though this may seem a frivilous rationale....the best public bathrooms in Paris are in museums...and there are museums EVERYWHERE.

But %26#39; the math..%26#39; yourself (comparing individual admission pricing to the cost of the pass), based on your own itinerary, priorities and iinterests. It%26#39;s your time...your money......and your decision.


KDKSAIL has pretty much said it all.

There is the financial side of it and only you

can figure out, based on what you plan to

see, and compare it to the cost of those


Being able to bypass all of the lines and

go directly in is a wonderful benefit;

particularly at the major venues like

the Lourve and D%26#39;Orsay.

There are untold museums in Paris

that are covered by the pass that,

as KDKSAIL said, you might walk

right by if you didn%26#39;t have the pass


I say get the pass. Time is the most valuable currency when you%26#39;re there and any moment not spent waiting in line is a moment for the sheer pleasures that Paris extends. But that%26#39;s just me.


We bought the 3 day pass, and sadly didn%26#39;t break even. Paris was our second stop, and we were a bit tired. We decided to change our main interest to relaxing and hanging out(drinking wine at night slowed us up a bit during the day). We had come from Rome, and after seeing the Vatican I could have skipped the Louvre. Both have more renaissance art than you can imagine. Musee d%26#39;Orsay is better.

We had no problems with lines in July afternoons. I%26#39;m not sure about November. I think you will have to be ambitious to at least break even. The main reason I would buy it is to save time waiting in lines. Don%26#39;t forget you still have to get through security.

Going to museums can get a bit old after awhile. It depends on what your interested in and your age on what to do. Paris has a great music scene. It%26#39;s known for it%26#39;s jazz clubs and has some cutting edge clubs.

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