Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fashion Report

This is for all you fashionistas out there and is not a suggestion on how to dress for your up coming trip!

A couple of times a year, usually with the change of seasons, the Paris fashion police send out a mental telepathic report to the denizens of this stylish city.

I, for whatever reason, do not yet receive these reports on a regular basis and I only became aware of them on a spring day in 2002, when I walked out my front door to find that just about every women in my neighborhood was out and about with their brand new Vanessa Bruno, sequin-trimmed, canvas bags. Recent sightings have included this past summers%26#39; peasant skirts with an inch or two of tulle trim, last falls%26#39; stripy multi-color scarves, etc and so on.

Well, it would appear that a report was sent out some time in the late hours of the night, as this morning I spotted no less than one dozen velour/velveteen blazers in toned-down pastel colors. I also saw two 3/4 length coats from the same family out and about, looking ab fab. May or may not be your cup of tea, but thought it was worth an fyi.


I love this info! I always find that about a year after I leave Paris the fashion arrives in the US. So it%26#39;s always great to be on the cutting edge!

I would love a picture of these jackets!! I would love to run out to Paris and pick one out for the fall!!



Dear Phread,

My husband and I are also out of the loop. My theory is that we%26#39;re not on the fashionista mailing list. In reality it%26#39;s more like we don%26#39;t care enough to pay rapt attention to such things. I%26#39;d rather spend my money on foreign travel and good food.

You are one more example that many very nice people do not live at the cutting edge of fashion!


Thanks phread, although by no means am I on the cutting edge of fashion, I%26#39;m excited about the velvet blazers they sound great. Keep reports like this coming, great reading!!!


H%26amp;M is selling black velvet pants in a jeans cut in their menswear section!


Velveteen blazers HAVE arrived in this country. Just saw one, but can%26#39;t recall if it was in a newspaper insert or a local department store (a touch of %26quot;senior-itis%26quot; rearing its ugly head). I%26#39;m far from a fashionista but took note because they were so cute and something I%26#39;d wear. Seems like the one shown was in a jewel tone, and one of those cropped jackets rather than a full blazer.



Thank you Phread,

I noticed the velours/velveteen jackets last year but as I am always one year late in fashion I think I am going to buy one this year. Zara has plenty of them but I thought they were quite expensive (I mean compared to Zara usual prices) : between 80 to 120 euros. But they do look absolutely great and as you say they are a must-wear this winter.


add me to the not-on-the-fashionista-mailing-list but what scares me a bit is the alleged return of the fop/dandy fashions for men. Are les hommes dressing in long floppy lace cuffs, ascots, velvet coats and breeches? dear lord I hope not.


Well, Grace, I took a peek at a friend%26#39;s mag on fall fashion trends yesterday, and sure enough, the men were wearing those jewel toned velveteen blazers, too.


Grace, your comment makes me think of that singer formerly known as Prince, then as LJ$%26amp;#@)(FHS, now known as Prince back in the days of %26quot;Purple Rain%26quot;. I can do without the lace, but a little velvet and leather can do wonders for a guy!


*LOL* Prince certainly did work the velvet. My impression was that it was a cross between the recent Vanity Fair (the movie w/Reese Witherspoon) and Velvet Goldmine costumes. I guess it depends on the guy trying to pull off the look.

and leather pants are always good given monsieur has the form and attitude to wear them. ooh la la

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