Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mineau are you still posting and reading posts?

Hi Mineau!

I was going to tell you that last week I bought my first fall season%26#39;s Raclette Cheese (French from Italian cheese store)! It was fantastic! It is great melting cheese.

My French cousin always makes me a special meal when I am in France. She makes potatos and ham and other veggies and pours or scrapes the melted Raclette Cheese over the top!

It is the greatest melted cheese! I even make the best grilled cheese sandwiches with it.






Hi Discover....I know you

told Funkygirl and me what

Bump means, but do I remem-

ber? Pas de tout! Anyhow,

you sent me a message (it%26#39;s

nice to missed! Thank you!)

then 2 Bumps. I was tempted

to order the Raclette but it

said it was terrific for

fondues of which I am none

too fond. But I do love a

good melting cheese. I%26#39;ve

ordered Chabichou, Vieille

Mimolette, Compt, Roquefort,

Laqueille Bleu, quelque

chose avec les Noix and your

Morbier. Think I must enter

tain a lot this Christmas

season what with all this

cheese. Funkygirl will soon

be sending me a Tomme au

marc de raisins which her

cheeseman up by Sacre Coeur

is curing with the marc from

that little vineyard up near

there so it will be a vrai

Montmartois (?)...It is,

afterall, what started this

entire thing! I will let you

know how the Morbier is and

if you wish, will order you

some the next time I get some others. And, also,

Amazon hasn%26#39;t gotten back to

me re the Cheese Book you

rave about...may I have the

name again? Thanks...and,

I%26#39;m glad Paris shines for

you and in you. I%26#39;ll even

allow it considering I%26#39;ve had that pleasure far longer

than you....but I want a little morsel of it when I

return once again! Oh, the

tales I could,

doing %26quot;singin%26#39; in the Rain%26quot;

at 4a.m. on Blvd St. Germain

whilst in a green haze from

l%26#39;absinthe....tsk!tsk! When

I told my mother I wanted to

stay, live in a garrett and

sell the Herald Tribune she

made it quite clear she had

other plans for me! Enough!


Hi Mineau! Really missed you!

The book is DK Eyewitness Handbook %26quot; French Cheeses%26quot; with a forward by Joel Robuchon.

Thanks for offering but I get my Morbier and Comte and other cheese locally. I also get the Raclette locally too. I have never made fondu from it.

My French cousin told me that raclette cheese used to be hung in a pot near the fireplace to melt and then it was scraped onto potato, onions and ham. She served it to me and it was so delicious! Do not eat it raw you probably will not like it melt it on bread! The taste is fantastic!

Have you tried some local shops ( Italian ones carry French cheese too).

I do want to try the cheese funcky girl is sending to you! I will do so hopefully on my next trip. I think I had better have my aunt buy some for me next month and hopefully store it for me for my next visit to see her (spring).


Hi Mineau!

%26quot; I%26#39;ve ordered Chabichou, Vieille Mimolette, Compt, Roquefort,Laqueille Bleu, quelquechose avec les Noix and your


The picture of the Chabichou goat cheese looks and sounds wonderful. I have had the %26quot;Chabichou du poitou%26quot; and thought it was great tasting. Tell me if it is mild or full tasting?

I have never tasted the Mimolette but it is supposed to have been made like the Dutch Edam cheese in the 17 th century when it was forbidden to import the cheese to France. Tell me how it tastes does it compare at all to the Dutch Edam cheese ( I love that one with pears).

I have never tried the Blue de Laqueuille. Tell me if you like it. Will you have on salad or make a sauce with it?

I love all the other ones you chose! I do hope you like the morbier.

That would be fun to have a cheese and pate party with drinks! Have a great time entertaining!

My friend and I went to the farmers market two weekends ago. We bought lots of cheese and sampled several. She and I have different tastes. We each chose different provolone cheeses mine was aged 6 months longer. It had this great after taste! She did not like it. The one she chose was very mild. We went home and made Strombelli for dinner with the cheese, ham and Italian ham. It was fantastic! The hubby%26#39;s were licking their fingers!

Please report when you have tried them....... I%26#39;ll look out for it!


Discover...Where do you live

that you can go to all these

marvelous places and find

all this great stuff? I%26#39;m

20 mi. from NYC and feel like a real hick...guess

%26#39;cause I%26#39;m old and don%26#39;t go

treking around as much as I

used to. I%26#39;ll be sure to let you know how everything is!

Thanks again...we may have

to meet halfway up I95 for

a wine and cheese pique-



Hi Mineau!

I live clear across the country (hicksville as one California poster called my suburb) near Bellevue, Washington.

I am lucky though we have a lot of Italian Deli Stores that carry French cheese! We also have three very good gocery stores that carry many French cheese too. We have PCC, Trader Joes

(today I picked up a French triple cream Brie for the weekend from TJ%26#39;s), and Larry%26#39;s Market.

One of the Costco stores in Issaquah, has a great specialty cheese section of French cheeses and French wines from Fall to January.

I am also 3 hours away from Vancouver B.C. when I can pick up cases of escargot for $1.29 per can! ( Here in Seattle they cost about $20.-24. per can!) Many great French cheese, I buy when I go for weekend get-a-way trips!

My friend and I go to %26quot;The Farmers Famous Pike Street Market%26quot; in Seattle for many cheese and meat and sausage special items they provide all year long. In the late fall and winter they bring in many French specialty cheese for the holidays.

I may get the best imported French Cheese but I sure wish I lived near NYC where one can get much cheaper airfare to Paris France!

We went to Maui last summer and I toured the only goat cheese farm there! It was so great! I even bought %26quot;Passion Fruit Quirk%26quot;

just like one can get in Europe! It was so good with fruit!

I can hardly wait to hear your report especially the ones I have not tried before!


Discover...I%26#39;ll keep you

posted (no pun, but speaking

of same in my last post to

you re the cheeses I say

that I%26#39;ve not tried Raclette

as I%26#39;m not fond of fondues..

never realized it%26#39;til today)

Went to Seattle w/husband on

business trip and we loved it so much we went house

hunting...haven%26#39;t see a mud

room since, and those padded

cell basement rooms with the

windows high up! Aren%26#39;t you

lucky! Oh, you can settle a

small dispute for it

Mt.Hood or Mt.Olympus one

can see from the restaurant

on Top of the Rock? Have yet

to get to Vancouver and points north. Yes, we%26#39;re

about 4 hours closer to

France than you...and, as I

said, 20mi from NYC and 20

mins away from Newark Liberty...if you get hung up

or need a bed. Don%26#39;t know

why I had you in Maryland...

hence the remark about meet-

ing on I95 for a pique-nique

---not too viable..somewhere

on Rte 66? I%26#39;ll let you know about les fromages. I

never get to go to Costco (I

spend too much money I%26#39;m

told) but will make a point

of getting there to check out the cheese selection.

Have you heard that Target

also has cheeses? Ta!


Target!!!! You have got to be kidding! I will have to check that out!

I%26#39;ll have to ask my hubby the Mt. Question. I do not know the answer. I do not know what%26quot; Top of The Rock%26quot; is.

You should try to get to BC in the late summertime. It is so wonderful!

Going photo taking this weekend to Leavenworth for leaf turning pictures and a little taste of the wonderful Barvarin (sp?) Village!


Mineau! Do you think you meant to say %26quot; Top of the Inn%26quot; at the Seatac Holiday Inn? The mountain you see from there is Mount Rainier.

Mount hood is in Oregon and it is hard to see from here. Olympic mountain range are easy to see on a clear day from Bellevue.

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