Thursday, April 12, 2012

French Television

Can one find the Iron Chef show French style on TV in France?

Can one find French cooking Network that teaches French cooking on TV (Cable?).


I haven%26#39;t really searched for %26quot;The Iron Chef%26quot; but I don%26#39;t think they have it on French cable. Maybe.

In Paris, cable channel 68, Cuisine TV, has some American food shows. At the moment I am typing this, %26quot;Le Restaurant%26quot;, a {dubbed} American kitchen-reality show is on. They do have cooking how-to shows on Cuisine TV and some of the regular French channels in the mornings.


Thank you so much Metromole! I love the web site and I signed up for the newsletter. I will remember channel 68 and make notation of it.

Cooking shows in French are ok also. I usually buy many %26quot;French Language %26quot; regional cookbooks (old and new) when I am in France.

I also like to buy old Alsacian embrodery design books old, used or new. I did find some at the bookstores in 5Er!

Any suggestions as where to look?

The major flea markets did not have any last time I went. Shakespear and company was no help at the time.


For food stuff, I don%26#39;t know of any flea markets. The FRENCH cook books are still over our heads. We still work from old Julia Childs cook books in English.

I%26#39;m a %26quot;foodie%26quot; and tend to dwell excessively on the recipe shows. I%26#39;ve been away from the US cable TV offerings for a few years but I (at least) know who the Iron Chef is...

I don%26#39;t know the first thing about embrodery but I have a confession to make. When I turned on the TV today to answer your question, I instantly got caught-up in a show about how to make a freakishly evil dessert, %26quot;poires belle helene%26quot; which nearly stopped my heart. Poached pears and sauce-chocolat.... Oh my god.

I%26#39;ve TIVO%26#39;d every show for the next four hours. The French cooking shows are awesome. I still haven%26#39;t stopped the recorder.

Look what you%26#39;ve done! I%26#39;m ruined!


Metro, I%26#39;ll send you your cooking assignment for the soirée--perhaps Poires Belle Helène for 20??!! (just kidding)


Geeeze. I%26#39;m not worthy of a cooking assignment. Can I please be in charge of the %26#39;after dinner mint%26quot; responsibilities without liability for the general health of the other atendees? i am almost capable of getting that right.


%26quot;after dinner mint%26quot; is not... very French lol.

How about a good dark chocolate, 80% cacao?


Ces trucs a a la menthe genre %26quot;After 8%26quot; sont degueulasse!


I love picking whole mint leaves and dipping them into that great melted French chocolate! Soooooo Gooood!

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