Thursday, April 12, 2012

What is the most unique thing you have found/done in Paris

Nov will be my 6th visit in 5 yrs...looking for that %26#39;different%26quot; thing to do there....i am really into photography too


The most unique thing my wife and i did was visit the Catacombs of Paris here is a link to see them if you haven%26quot;t seen them ....Jimmy


If you are interested in photography, tell me about

it. I have been photographing Paris and France

for the past 5 years for my book %26quot;The French Landscape:

Black and White Infrared Photography%26quot;. To be publshed

in the Fall 2006. I can share a lot with you. Let me know.

One of the things I did last month was photograph

from the main floor of the Louvre up through

the glass pyramid to include the new and old



The most %26quot;unique%26quot; thing would definitely be touring the sewers. There is simply no other major city in the world in which one can go down and walk through the sewers. It%26#39;s quite inexpensive, and something that%26#39;s sure to be a topic of conversation.


Have you been to Pere Lachaise cemetery yet? It was at the top of my list for our trip last month. Was one of the best things we did. Absolutely beautiful and a GREAT photo opportunity too. Think Randy Silver Photo has photographed some of the stunning and unusual tombs there.

Randy.....will you be including any of them in your new book?


Oh......and Pere Lachaise is FREE, too.


What about %26quot; les égôuts de Paris %26quot; %26#39; I think I am to afraid to visit this canal system under the city.Entrance near Pont Neuf ( I think )


I believe the entrance to the sewers is on the Left Bank at Pont de L%26#39;Alma.


great ideas...done it! I made it 15 feet into catacombes before I got too clostrophobic and turned around!!!! Love Pere Lachaise. I%26#39;d love some more photography ideas.....


These may interest you:

Galerie de Jeu de Paume

Fondation Cartier-Bresson


One of the most unique things you can do is let yourself drift thru the city, finding sights you%26#39;ve only read of, places you have only dreamed of, allowing the city soak into you. Only you can decided what is truly unique. To me the metro is a novelty to a New Yorker not a drop of uniqueness.

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