Thursday, April 12, 2012

CDG to Vincennes

Travelling to Paris late November and am staying in Vincennes, just outside the central area.

What is the best way to get from Charles de Gaulle airport to Vincennes on a Saturday afternoon?

I will probably have one reasonably large suitcase.




Wherabouts in Vincennes are you going ? Métro Château de Vincennes, Bérault ? RER Vincennes ?


You%26#39;ve got a couple of choices--

RER %26#39;B-3%26#39; train from CDG to CHATELET-Les HALLES, then a long Correspondence through Chatelet station to the #1 Metro ligne (heading in the direction of Chateau de Vincennes) platforns, then Metro to the nearest station to your hotel (or perhpas RER %26#39;A%26#39; ligne). Knowing the name and exact address of your intended destination would help narrow the choices down.

Your other alternatives are either TAXI PARISIEN from outside your CDG arrival terminal or arrange for an airport shuttle van pick-up.

If you are traveling alone and your hotel is located near to the VINCENNES RER station, then the RER %26#39;B%26#39; to CHATELET Les HALLES and RER %26#39;A%26#39; from there (short Correspondence between %26#39;B%26#39; and %26#39;A%26#39; train platforms) to VINCENNES may be your best bet.


For what it is worth, a taxi from CDG to Vincennes, near the Chateau de Vincennes metro was 38 euro.


I%26#39;m staying at Rue de France, 94300 Paris-Vincennes, which is here (if it works):…

- at the junction with Boulevard de la Liberation and Rue de Fontenay.

It%26#39;s about 1.5-2km from the nearest Metro station.

I appreciated the taxi advice - perhaps this is my best option for my arrival until I get to know the area and metro a little better.

Any suggestions of places to eat or for entertainment in Vincennes - save me going out into Paris late at night?




created separate thread for question about eating in vincenes

elaine :)


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I%26#39;m staying at Rue de France, 94300 the junction with Boulevard de la Liberation and Rue de Fontenay. It%26#39;s about 1.5-2km from the nearest Metro station.%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

You location does put you approx 1 km from the CHATEAU de VINCENNES Metro station---the end-of-the-ligne for the #1 Metro ligne. So the The RER %26#39;B-3%26#39; train (fare 8 € includes onwatd Metro travel) to CHATELET-Les HALLES, then s long underground Correspondence through the sprawling Chatelet station complex to the platforms to the #1 Metro ligne to the Chateau de Vincennes station, then a 1 km walk around to your final destination would %26#39;;....but I rather doubt that it would be any fun.

You%26#39;re best bet for this locations is probably to take a taxi directly from CDG. The fare should run approx 40-50 €

I suppose the good news for you with this location is that the #1 Metro ligne is a major %26#39;artery%26#39; and runs through the %26#39;core%26#39; of Paris from east to %26#39;connections%26#39; shouldn%26#39;t be difficult.



Many thanks for your immediate response.

I shall keep the rail plan in mind, but at this moment, I am thinking that it would be best to take a taxi.

Do the taxi%26#39;s have a set fare?

Should I check what the driver will charge me before getting into the taxi?

I don%26#39;t speak much french.



%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Do the taxi%26#39;s have a set fare?%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

NO %26#39;set%26#39; total amount of fare. TAXI PARISIENS (from the regular rank outside of each CDG arrival terminal) are all metered..based on distance %26amp; travel there is no %26#39;..set fare..%26#39; (and if a driver offers you a %26#39;set fare%26#39; you would be well advised to take a different taxi). There may also be an additional surcharge (in addition to the metered fare) of ,90 € for each piece of luggage that goes into the boot. This is not a %26#39;tourist rip-off%26#39;. It%26#39;s part of the official taxi fare %26amp; charges structure) There are NO tips included in the fare. A customary tip would be anywhere from 1 or 2 € to 10% of the metered fare.

Given your intended destination, it might be a good idea to print out a local map with the name (if a hotel) and exact address (your cross-street notations are also a grand idea)of your destination to show to the taxi driver. Not every Parisian taxi driver possesses %26#39;..the Knowledge..%26#39;so a little %26#39;help%26#39; might not come amiss.

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