Sunday, April 15, 2012

"Chartier" , rue Montmartre 7 : Line up or run away ?

Chartier is a beautiful restaurant in rue Montmartre,7.

It%26#39;s classified as national monument , and considered as one of Paris most beautifull restaurants by the guides.

Lot%26#39;s of people like it for it%26#39;s unique atmosphere ( established 1897 ) , for extremely cheap food , for the wine; other people hate it , arguing to food would not be edible.

Who can tell ?


As I stated in another post, I have eaten at top restuarants (how about $700 for two @ Alain Ducasse) and not-so-top restaurants in Paris and I say that Chartiers is the best value, the food is not as bad (in fact, sometimes its good), and it is a very, very, very fun place to eat. So, don%26#39;t listen to what the food-snobs tell you. If the Parisians line up to eat at the place, it must be good.


Chartier%26#39;s setting is unique, the food passable. As for the price... I remember that in my student days it used to be dirt cheap, almost like the Restau U, and now, expect to pay 15-20 euros for a meal with cheap wine. But still, it%26#39;s as close as you will get to the Belle Epoque.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;I say that Chartiers is the best value, the food is not as bad (in fact, sometimes its good), and it is a very, very, very fun place to eat. So, don%26#39;t listen to what the food-snobs tell you%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

Thatr pretty much sums up the food at CHARTIER%26#39;s...its not as bad as you%26#39;ve heard....which isn%26#39;t quite the same thing as %26#39;..good..%26#39;...but on a %26#39;; scale, the food at Chartier is %26#39;...good..%26#39;. What makes this place someting of a Parisian %26#39;institution%26#39; is the interior and ambience and the possibility of being waited on by a classically surly French waiter. Go for the %26#39;experience%26#39;, not for the food.


Pixfield , what did you eat for$ 700 at Ducasse ? Did you try the %26quot; Aux LYONNAIS%26quot; run by also by Ducasse . ( 70$ pp ) ( the most beuatiful Bouchon lyonnais in the world ?


You can%26#39;t compare this to haute cuisine...there%26#39;s no commonality. But I used to eat here as a student and thought it was good and cheap. I don%26#39;t make attempts to return though...

All depends on your tastes...



i%26#39;ve been to chartiers, the food is bad. i ordered a cumcumber and tomato salad, it was this, with no sauce, bad vegetables, industrial fries, no one liked it (we were 4). the waiters were not really nice (except one), i didnt think it was that beautiful, and for this price i had better food in several places. the ambiance well nothing special to say, we were 4, all disappointed, but you can try it.


I disagree with Alex above, Chartiers is Paris. I love the dining room, the grand salon feel. Okay so the waiters can be rude, but that%26#39;s part of the charm.

The food%26#39;s not haute cuisine and don%26#39;t expect hidden extras..carrot salad is quite simply grated carrots etc but it%26#39;s basic food done well for little money. Wine and Champagne also good value.

For me the only downside is that tables are for 4 so if you%26#39;re part of a twosome, don%26#39;t expect to have a table to yourself. It%26#39;s a strange situation but we%26#39;ve had some wonderful dining companions and others simply people sitting beside us but not disturbing us.

For my husband and I, a trip to Paris is incomplete without Chartiers.


wof! Any other adress . For us no Paris trip without %26quot; Aux Lyonnais%26quot; by Ducasse . A bouchon lyonnais in it%26#39;s original form with perfet food ans service.See you there next time



I ate at Alain Ducasse%26#39;s place before he was at the Plaza Athenee. We had the tasting menu for lunch. And remember, this was when it was .90 euro to the dollar.

I went to Aux Lyonnais in May. I thought it was great and it cost 103 euro for two of us with a nice bottle of wine.

My other recommendations are:

L%26#39;Os Moelle

La Pre Verre

Chez Jenny

Cafe Constant

Also check out the great recommendations in the online NY Times travel section.


I%26#39;ve had 2 completely different experiences at Chartier. The first time I went for an early dinner on a Sunday. The waiter was very kind and accomodating to some special requests our party had. The food quality was good for the price. He even came back to our table to make sure everything was to our liking. The second time I went was on a very busy Saturday evening. From the director seating guests to our waiter, everyone seemed like they didn%26#39;t want to be bothered. I was dining with my parisienne friends and their 2 children. We asked if they could bring the children%26#39;s meals first since they were tired and crabby. The waiter exhaled deeply and sighed as only a french waiter can and voila....NON! When the food arrived it was cold and not very appetizing. I guess the moral of this story is to go early in the evening when the staff and the kitchen have not been worn down by the hungry masses. Bon chance.

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