Tuesday, March 27, 2012

need an accordian player in paris

based on the great responses to my %26quot;where%26#39;s the best place to propose in paris%26quot; post, i%26#39;ve decided to go the route of hiring an accordian player and popping the question in an open air environment (thanks ArrowCapet for the idea!).

below is how i am going to lay it out, just as Arrow prescribed - anyone know someone local (maybe a concierge, highend florist or an event planner) who can help me make it happen on the ground? I%26#39;m also going to call the concierge where I%26#39;m staying, but thought a local contact via a friend would be better. I%26#39;d be willing to pay for assistance, if necessary. IDEAS/CONTACTS?

The plan is to hire an accordion player to play the Billy Joel song %26quot;She%26#39;s Got a Way%26quot; (as background music for my crappy singing), and also involve flowers (delivered by a young French girl) and, of course, the ring (delivered by a young French boy), maybe in a nice park or at one of those supposedly romantic bridges.

If I can find a way to set it up in advance, we%26#39;ll take a walk, and at the appointed time: out strolls the accordion player (she won%26#39;t have a clue, but will think it%26#39;s odd he%26#39;s playing our song), followed shortly by the girl with the flowers, who is then followed by (but not until the tears begin to flow when she realizes what%26#39;s happening) the young boy with the ring, which I will promptly place on her finger before she has a chance to say no!

ridiculous or just crazy enough to work? i guess i%26#39;d need to find a local Billy Joel playing accordianist and 2 young kids but that can%26#39;t be that hard, can it?


I would definitely look for an accordion player with kids. LOL.

Since this is all my fault, I%26#39;ll see what I can do to help.



BTW, when is this all happening?


Saturday, Oct 29th, 2005 - ideally in mid-afternoon, after lunch.

if someone (Arrow or otherwise) is willing to help, we can talk offline at thaichef2003@yahoo.com.


If you do a quick google search for accordeon lessons in Paris, there are hundreds of teachers and classes you can find, I%26#39;d go for this! i%26#39;m sure they have very good students that would do such a romantic thing for a small price.


There%26#39;s been a _true virtuoso_ [classic-Parisian] accordion player (busker) working the Madeleine and Gare St. Lazare Metro stations the last couple of weeks. I%26#39;ll try to snag a card and pass it on if I can find him again. He%26#39;s worth much more than the meager offerings he gets from commuters.

I have to say that he may need some theater experience to pull-off the timing needed for your plan to work...


I have a friend who is a private concierge and can make just about anything happen for a price... here%26#39;s his email:


good luck!


I think Ness 75 had a great idea, then you could get the accordianist and kids all in one go. Sounds so romantic, she%26#39;ll be over the moon. Hope you let us know all about it! :-)


UPDATE: i found a classical guitarist and a flutist by using craig%26#39;s list paris (both are Americans living in Paris, which I think make up a lot of the site%26#39;s users). it wasn%26#39;t so easy to find an accordianist via the web, though i tried. the big event is coming up this weekend, will let you know how it went, as I appreciate all of your help along the way.


If all else fails...there is a %26#39;..concentration..%26#39; of music %26amp; musical instrument shops up on rue de Rome, in the general vicinity of rue Madrid / rue de Venne / Place de l%26#39;Europe--EUROPE Metro station-#3 ligne. where you can probaly get leads on what you%26#39;re lookin%26#39; for

Grand romantic gesture often sound fine in theory (in the movies they usually involve months of planning, preparation and set-up by a crew of hundreds)....S___tuff happens...you should also try to keep the KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) principle foremost in mind.


KDKSAIL - How I agree! Just get on with it, forget the music and all that stuff - ask her!

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