Thursday, March 29, 2012

Endless PPossibilities of Musee Rodin

Via Tripadvisor we have been recommended to have our wedding ceremony in the gardens of Musee Rodin which sounds perfect to my fiance and I.

Has anyone done this before/recently or know if it is possible? This is a civil ceremony (non-legal, non-binding) so do I still need to get Musee Rodin%26#39;s permission or as it is a public park am I free to just %26#39;turn up%26#39;? Our weeding includes a very small group (about 20ppl) so aside from the white dress (no bridesmaids) will it be too obvious to get away with?

I%26#39;m scared to ask their permission in case they say no and then I%26#39;m stuck without a venue, but then if we turn up and they turn us away I will be standing in my wedding dress with no place to get married, which would be terrible.

Has anyone seen someone have wedding photos taken in the gardens as this may mean it is okay to visit without permission.

Lots of questions but would love as much help/advice as possible.

Thanks in advance,



You better ask! I do not think you can just pay to get into the garden and walk in and get married. They have had huge tents and catered functions in the garden but they were all planned events.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;Has anyone done this before/recently or know if it is possible? This is a civil ceremony (non-legal, non-binding) so do I still need to get Musee Rodin%26#39;s permission or as it is a public park am I free to just %26#39;turn up%26#39;? Our weeding includes a very small group (about 20ppl) so aside from the white dress (no bridesmaids) will it be too obvious to get away with?%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

You%26#39;re willing to gamble your special occasion on the chance that you can %26quot;..just turn up..%26quot; with 20 or so people and %26quot;..get away with it..%26quot;. With that attitude, why not just take the money you%26#39;re planning on spending on this trip down to the nearest race track, and bet the horse in the first race with the longest odds, then parlay your winnings on the longest odds in every other race for the day. With your winnings, you can then rent out and close Notre Dame for the ceremony and the Eiffel Tower for the reception afterwards. Contact the Musée Rodin and find out for sure.


Jen%26amp;Brad -

I would ask and develop an alternate plan if need be.

As a wedding photographer for the past 36 years, I%26#39;ve

seen enough stress at weddings, you don%26#39;t need this.

Possibly when the garden closes, around

the small pool would be lovely with the sculptures

and house in the background.

My source for specific information is from raphy

(that%26#39;s her screen name). She lives in Paris and is

a lovely person. Post a request for her.

I was thinking that there might be a private home

or area that you can investigate, check it out

with her.

Another person that would be great to contact

would be

Best Wishes,



You will need permission just about anywhere where you choose to have your ceremony, but especially the Rodin, which is a private area, that requires admission tickets (1euro). Museums regularly require reservations for groups of ten or more, and you are likely to arouse a bit of curiousity in that white dress of yours.

The park guardiens in Paris are pretty serious, rather annoying individuals who would much rather break up a wedding party than stop the teens on the next bench from shooting up. And permisison to gather as a group is required.

Two exceptions that I can think of would be the Champs de Mars at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, which is a large lawn area open at all times. If it is teaming with tourists, their are English style gardens connected to the lawns to either side which are infinitely more private.

The second place would be the area behind Les Invalides. Again, a large lawn area open at all times, but in a quiet neighborhood way, without all the tourists and the gleeming gold dome of the Invalides as back drop.


I wouldn%26#39;t risk turning up without a written authorization (email or mail) from the museum authorities. I don%26#39;t think they would turn you away if you asked and this is the way you have to go, if you go there with no permission they may well turn you away or call the curator etc... I guess even if people have already seen wedding pictures taken in the gardens of the museum, they still had permission, and pictures may not take long, in your case you mention a ceremony, which is something that we do not do in France so you will attract attention even much more than if you were just taking a few pictures. Contact the museum otherwise it might spoil your day. Congratulations anyway!!


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