Saturday, April 21, 2012

Cost of wine tastings?

Hi, We will be going to Alsace region Oct 12-21. I am trying to budget for the trip and can%26#39;t seem to find any info on wineries? Need to know if advanced reservations are needed and how to make them, cost of tastings...basic info. Is this at all like Sonoma Valley? Can you just drive up, go in and taste? I would love any info from someone who has been, we are staying in Ribeauville.


Alsace is relatively laid back compared to Bordeaux or Burgundy, and vey laid back compared to Napa or Sonoma. You just go in and start tasting, usually. If there is a charge, it is a modest few euro, but I do not recall that there were many. No reservations necessary at the regular places; there may be more exclusive or historic vineyards where they are required.

I recommend Eguisheim, Turckheim, Riquewihr, and Kayserberg to visit; Eguisheim is probably the most quaint. Try the Pinot Gris, a dry Gewurtz, and Pinot Noir, then the sweeter wines. The tasting rooms at P.H.GINGLINGER in Eguisheim are very friendly.

One day was quite cloudy, so in the afternoon I drove up past Munster to Le Markstein and had a hike in the Vosges -- in beautiful bright sunlight! From the trails on the south side of Le Markstein you have a nice view of the Haut Rhine and the Swiss Alps.


Nobody will charge you - they are happy to receive you and of course they would be even more happy to sell some wine to you...! Just respect the lunch time (about 12.00 to 14.00 h) as this is really important for the french! Two good adresses for excellent wines with moderate rates:

J.B. Adam, Ammerschwihr

Mittnacht Freres, Hunawihr

Both are located in villages not far from Ribeauville, but less touristy.


This is great information, thank you so much. I have a few more questions if you have the time. The place we were going to stay in Ribeauville is only available for 2 of the 3 nights we need it. I was thinking of changing cities since I have heard the Rib and Riq are so heavy with tourist. Any suggestions of villages and any specific hotels? I have heard Colmar? Also, how close are all of these wineries you reccommend, should we walk, ride bikes or drive between them? I hate that one of us won%26#39;t really get to indulge if we drive. Is it feasible to drive to a central location then get out and walk...any suggestions.


Colmar is a pleasant town with a beautifull historic center. Of course it%26#39;s touristy too, but it%26#39;s much bigger than Ribeauville. If lot%26#39;s of people live and work in a place it doesn%26#39;t appear anymore as a %26#39;museum town%26#39; only for tourists!

If you prefer a smaller and quiet town I could recommend Eguisheim (just a few km southwest of Colmar). As romantic as Ribeauville or Riquewihr but much less frequented by tourists! Some good restaurants there as well and plenty of wineries.

Concerning the wineries I have mentionned: Hunawihr is just a some 2 km from Ribeauville - so you can easily walk there. Ammerschwihr is about 10km away, no problem to reach it by bike. Of course there are also some wineries in Ribeauville itself, but I don%26#39;t know their wines.


Hi Alsacebound! Please update us when you get back about your trip. We%26#39;re headed to the Alsace region in December, staying in Colmar. Have fun, you%26#39;re so lucky to be going in a warm month! Enjoy!!!


In August we enjoyed 4 days in Alsace lived across in Lorraine. Very nice, wine tasting costs nothing. I enjoyed Eguisheim (Wofsberger). Apart from French, most speak German some speak English. It is a little more expensive than Germany but well worth visiting. As I mentioned wine tasting costs nix even when I did not buy. Some cellars have signs about charges for tasting if you don%26#39;t buy but in our case, were never enforced. We liked it and will be back.

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