I know it%26#39;s a funny question but I thought i%26#39;d ask the locals. I know that europeans are ahead of us when it comes to skin care (wrinkle care...) I think there are even certain procedures approved there that aren%26#39;t available here yet. Can someone recommend? After all I%26#39;m coming for my 40th birthday ;I%26#39;ll turn 40 2 days before I arrive. I would like to get a really serious facial. I%26#39;m not afraid of a littlepain for beauty(there was awonderful russian woman who used to do them here butI can%26#39;t find her anymore) and I%26#39;m willing to spend some( not movie star but turning 40 only once in your life) money..thoughts?
soory about all the typos in my previous post but my 16 year old son was looking over my shoulder and I got embarassed and didn%26#39;t edit..for what it%26#39;s worth.
geez, it%26#39;s worth than the pos(parent over shoulder) shorthand he uses on aim, what would it be? inquisitive and jaded teenager over shoulder?IAJTOS or something..by the way truffau, is the spa you mention for men only?
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