Saturday, April 21, 2012

Discount Air fares from Paris to Rome

Are there any discount airlines offering travel from Paris to Rome.

I checked Air France and Aitalia but prices are bit high.


did you try?


Try also this:


I check and for the date I input one way to Rome, the cost of the ticket came out to 4.99 euro plus 19.12 taxes which come out to 24.11 euro. This was the web fare. That don%26#39;t sound right. Fly to Rome for less than taxi fare from the airport to hotel. LOL


well, I%26#39;ve never bought w/them, but I understand this is what it is.

Do a search and see what people have to say about that site.


There is a similar post on the London Forum. I guess it´s worth taking a look:…


travel88 i would have no problem useing Ryan Air from what i have read here on TA they use out of the way airports for Paris i think they use Beauvais Airport not CDG it%26#39;s a no frills airline...will charge you for extra bagage so pack lite no meals ect.......Jimmy


travel 88, it%26#39;s funny what you say about the air fare being actually cheaper than the taxi to the airport (well, if you have to taxi to Beauvais, you could fly to NYC for that price, but whatever! ), because this is Easyjet%26#39;s actual slogan, in a silly but fun TV commercial, when the customer keeps the taxi%26#39;s change to fly to Pisa or Dortmund or something.

So, no, the Ryanair fare you spotted is no scam, the only catch is that you have to trek all the way to ghastly Beauvais (85 km north of Paris), with a very limited choice of transport to go there, but for the rate you%26#39;re quoted, it%26#39;s worth it.


You can try :,if they have some seats available, they offer some very good discounts but at last minute !!

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