Saturday, April 21, 2012

Purchasing toiletries

On a recent trip to Paris I forgot to bring shaving cream, and after trying a Monoprix with no luck, finally found some in one of those chic %26quot;%26quot;pharmacies%26quot; where selection was limited and prices high. Is there a French equivalent to lower-priced chain pharmacies in the US such as Wahlgreens, CVS, or Rite-Aid?


If you didn%26#39;t find shaving cream in Monoprix you were looking in the wrong place. They have as big a selection as any store here. Some of the larger Monoprix stores have their toiletries sections divided into men%26#39;s and women%26#39;s, so you might have been in the wrong area.

||| don%26#39;t need to go to a pharmacie for that. Any monoprix, franprix, etc. will carry it. I once got shampoo at a local mini mart.



Not sure if all Monoprix stores have a grocery section... not all of them have the clothing-type section. Maybe that was the problem.


No, all Monoprix have an extensive beauty section, for women and men. Otherwise, yes, any supermarket of any chain - Franprix, Ed, Shopi, G20, you name it - will carry basic shaving items. But it is true that chains such as Walgreens or Rite Aid - or Boots in Britain - don%26#39;t exist in France. I guess that there are too many pharmacies already around, and the pharmacists%26#39; lobby is quite powerful. I remember how they cried wolf when, 20 years ago, what we call %26quot;parapharmacie%26quot; (band aids, vitamin C, ear plugs, etc. ) were allowed to be sold elsewhere than in a bona fide, gree cross, pharmacy!

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