whoo whoo....three more sleeps until I leave, well...two, I don%26#39;t think I%26#39;l sleep the last night. I think I%26#39;m prepared
- I have some Euros
- I have some travelleres cheques
- I have a credit and a ATM card
That should cover the money situation
- I have a pick-pocket proof purse (I Hope)
- I have an unbrella
- good shoes, plenty of bandaids in case I was wrong about the shoes
- I have a street map
- Hotel reservation (I think...it all sounded very casual on tht phone and they did not give me a reservation number, but told me to call again two days before arriving (this is worring me a little)
- I have reserved a blue van to pick me up at the airport
- 3 books to read on my 18 hour flight and my french flash cards to at least learn the basics.
- I have my very open mind....my sense of humor and my canadian smile ( for when things go wrong)
Have I forgotten anything?
What about extra room to bring back all those goodies?? (:
You sound pretty darned prepared to me. Have a great trip!!
We too, have only 4 days before we leave for our honeymoon to Paris. Just wanted to wish you a wonderful trip!
Yeh, you forgot to send me my ticket!!!!!!!!
Have a great trip!
Weather forcast for the week should be OK, enjoy your trip.
Have you called your credit card company to inform them that you%26#39;re going to Paris? If you don%26#39;t, they might block any charges you try to put on the card. Give them your departure and return date. You don%26#39;t want some thief buying a motorcycle with your account number a month after you return to the US.
Have you written down in several places the toll free or collect phone number to call in case your credit card or ATM card are lost, stolen or suddenly rejected at a number of businesses? Have you photocopied your passport, credit card (both sides), ATM card, etc. and left a copy with a trusted friend or family member in case any of those items are lost/stolen during your trip?
It may seem like a big pain to do all of this, but if you have a problem it will be solved faster if you%26#39;re prepared.
nosara.....It seems I have forgotten some things. I will call my credit card company today...thank-you thank-you
Thank-you everyone for you well wishes and good advice.
I do have some room for bringing back goodies.
I would like to take all of you with me but I am a solo traveler by chioce these days.
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