Saturday, April 21, 2012

Which pass do I need for a 3 night stay in Paris?


Will be arriving in paris, 26th Oct 6pm at Gare du Nord and leaving paris on shuttle bus to beauvais airport on 30th Oct, 6am at porte malliot.

to cover all the major attractions in paris, i have to buy a paris visite pass which comes in 1, 2, 3 or 5 consecutive days versions. Which one would you all recommend?

I am planning to go around the Montmarte area on my last day.Will the later half of the day (29th Oct) be enough to cover most attractions,flea market in Montmarte area?

I read on some of the threads which mentioned NOT TO buy the pass online,and buy it instead at the paris metro stations as it is less expensive?

Thank you for your attention =%26gt;


Oh and will the pass which cover Zones 1 to 3 be sufficient?or should I be buying the pass whcih covers zone 1 to 5 ?

I will not be going to Versailles Castle and Disneyland.

Is there any other passes which offers discounts on transport /attractions that i should take note of?


A 3 day Paris Visite should be your best choice, you can buy it in most of the metro and RER stations.


Thank you for reply!

So a 3 day Paris Visite Zone 1-3 pass, will cover for all of my public transportation needs Metro/RER/Bus to and from Paris.

Jus wondering,if i purchase the mobilis card zone 1- 3 (5,4 x 3 days= 16,2 euros) instead of the paris visite card (1-3 zones for 3 days = 29 euros), i can save a few euros there?

basicially the two passes offer the same transport benefits right?

i have read a few threads whereby a few members have mentioned to take the bus #69 instead of the L%26#39;Open tour, so as to tour around the city at your own pace.Are there any other bus # to recommend?

May i know where is the bus stop where i can take bus #69? is there a website online where i can find out its routes?


Mobilis zone 1-2 is all you need - the entire central area of Paris (inside the peripherique road) is nearly all zone 1; zone 3 is not needed for Paris sightseeing.

The Mobilis one-day for zone 1-2 is only 5.40€

It differs from Paris Visite in that the PV has a few %26#39;extras%26#39; with it - you have to decide if they are of interest to you.

You can get all the bus routes by going to the Paris transportation website:

You have to work with the French version to get this detail.

Click on %26#39;Plan de lignes%26#39;

Then click on %26#39;bus%26#39;

You can play with the %26#39;plan interactif%26#39; or you can enter bus route # in the tiny white box to get a full plan of just that route.


Here%26#39;s another possibility for you for your public transportation requirements. Since you will be arriving on a WEDNESDAY, the CARTE ORANGE (Zone 1-2...15,70 €) weekly (valid from First Train Monday AM untill Last Train, Sunday PM) transportation pass (for the CURRENT week) may still be available to you at the Metro ticket windows on the lower level of Gare du Nord. But Wednesday is the LAST day that it will be available for the CURRENT WEEK...if you wait until Thursday morning, it will no longer be available to you. For the CARTE ORANGE you will need to provide a %26#39;head-shot%26#39; photo (ANY type approx 1 1/4%26quot; x 1 1/4%26quot;) to apply to the photo-ID card portion of the pass. The Carte Orange also makes for a great %26#39;..personalized..%26#39; souvenir of your visit.

Otherwise, purchase one day MOBILIS (Zone 1-2) passes. In so far as travel %26#39;..Zones..%26#39; are concerned, ALL of the City of Paris (and a bit beyond in ALL Metro stations) is covered by a Zone 1-2 transportation pass.


If you opt for the Paris Visite or Moblis passes, make sure to not begin using them until the Thursday morning! These passes are not valid for 24 hour periods, they are valid for %26quot;days%26quot;. For example, if you use your Paris Visite 3 day pass on Wednesday night when you arrive, Wednesday (to the end of the last train/bus) will be Day 1, and the pass will only last you until the end of the day Friday.

My suggestion is:

- purchase a single ticket for when you arrive Wednesday (to get you to your hotel - I%26#39;m guessing that you%26#39;ll be quite tired and just go for dinner somewhere walking distance to the hotel).

- the Paris Visite (or Moblis, whichever) for Thursday, Friday %26amp; Saturday. You can buy this Wednesday night, just don%26#39;t use it until you want to.

- another single ticket (if necessary) to get you to the shuttle the Sunday morning.

OTOH, if you get a Carte Orange, timing doesn%26#39;t matter as it%26#39;s good all week.

Have a good trip!


There are a number of busses that cover some good sightseeing turf but no commentary available except from the tired locals on their way home from work...

Do it off hours so you get a seat by a window and aren%26#39;t hanging from a strap..

#87 covers a lot of distance ..

Check the route maps at the bus kiosks when you get there...You%26#39;ll be able to pick out some good routes...

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